  • Technical Papers

Technical Papers

DHD Developments & Validation

  • Finite Element Validation of the Deep-Hole Drilling Method for Measuring Residual Stresses, S. Hossain, C.E. Truman, D.J. Smith - International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, February 2012.
  • 'The effect of plasticity on the ability of the Deep-Hole Drilling technique to measure residual stress', A.H.Mahmoudi, C.E.Truman, D.J.Smith, M.J.Pavier - International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 53, 978-988, 2011.
  • A New Procedure for Measuring Residual Stresses in Electron Beam Welds Using the Deep Hole Drilling Technique, Gang Zheng, Smith, D. J., Hurrell, P., Goudar, D. M. & Kingston, E. - Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, Engineering Applications of Residual Stress, Volume 8, (pp. 75-84), 2011.
  • Uncertainties in Triaxial Residual Stress Measurements, D.M. Goudar, S. Hossain, C.E. Truman, E.J. Kingston, D.J.Smith - Materials Science Forum Vol. 681 (2011) pp 498-503.
  • 'Effect of gauge volume on the residual stress measurement using Deep-Hole Drilling technique'. A.H.Mohmoudi, D.J.Smith, C.E.Truman, M.J.Pavier - Proceedings of the ASME Proessure Vessels and Piping Conference 2010, Paper PVP2010-25460.
  • 'Application of the modified Deep-Hole Drilling technique (iDHD) for measuring near yield non-axisymmetric residual stresses', ASME PVP Conference, Prague 2009.
  • 'Residual stress measurement by Deep-Hole Drilling and trepanning - analysis with distributed dislocations', R.Paynter, A.H.Mahmoudi, M.J.Pavier, D.A.Hill, D.Nowell, C.E.Truman, D.J.Smith - Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design v44 2009, p45-54.
  • A New Procedure to Measure Near Yield Residual Stresses Using the Deep Hole Drilling Technique, A.H. Mahmoudi, S. Hossain, C.E. Truman, D.J. Smith, M.J. Pavier - Experimental Mechanics, Volume: 49, Issue: 4, Pages: 595-604, 2009.
  • 'Evaluating Uncertainty in Residual Stress Measured Using the Deep-Hole Drilling Technique, D.M.Goudar, C.E.Truman, D.J.Smith - Strain, 47, (pp. 62-74), 2011.
  • Uncertainty in Residual Stress Measurements, Goudar, D. M., Hossain, S, Truman, C. E., & Smith, D. J., ASME 2008 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP2008) July 27-31, 2008 , Chicago, Illinois, USA, Materials and Fabrication, Parts A and B, 6, (pp. 383-390), 2008.
  • 'Residual stress measurement using a miniaturised Deep-Hole Drilling method', X.Ficquet, D.J.Smith, C.E.Truman - Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Alexandroupolis, Greece, 2007, paper 386,CD
  • 'Accurate measurement of highly triaxial residual stresses', A.H.Mahmoudi, M.J.Pavier, C.E.Truman, D.J.Smith - Proceedings of the SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, SEM, Springfield, USA 2007, paper 50, CD.
  • Measurement and Prediction of the Residual Stress Field Generated by Side-Punching, A.H. Mahmoudi, D. Stefanescu, S. Hossain, C.E. Truman, D.J. Smith, P.J. Withers - Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, Transactions of the ASME, Volume: 128, Issue: 3, Pages: 451-459, 2006.
  • Novel Applications of the Deep-Hole Drilling Technique for Measuring Through-Thickness Residual Stress Distributions, E.J. Kingston, D. Stefanescu, A.H. Mahmoudi, C.E. Truman, D.J. Smith - Journal of ASTM International, April 2006, Vol.3, No 4.
  • 'An Integrated Approach for Measuring Near and Sub-Surface Residual Stress in Engineering Components', D.Stefacnescu, C.E.Truman, D.J.Smith - Journal of Strain Analysis, 39 (4) 2004, 483-497.
  • 'Residual Stress Measurement using Integrated Drilling Methods', D.Stefacnescu, C.E.Truman, D.J.Smith - SEM Conference 2003.
  • 'Measurement of Through Thickness Stresses Using Small Holes', D.George, E.J.Kingston, D.J.Smith - Jnl Strain Analysis 37, 2 (2002) pp 125-139.
  • 'Residual Stress Measurement in Thick Section Components', D.George, E.J.Kingston, D.J.Smith - ASME, Pressure Vessels and Piping Vol 410-1, pp 275-282, 2000.
  • 'Assessment of Distortions in the Deep-Hole Technique for Measuring Residual Stresses', A.A.Granada-Garcia, D.George, D.J.Smith - Proceedings of the 11th Exp Mech Conf, Oxford, August 1998, pp 1301-1306.
  • 'Development and Experimental Validation of the Deep-Hole Method for Residual Stress Measurement', R.H.Leggatt, D.J.Smith, S.Smith, F.Faure - Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, Vol 31, No 3, pp177-186, 1996.
  • Measurement, Analysis and Reconstruction of Residual Stresses, Faghidian, S. A. , Goudar, D. M., Farrahi, G. H. & Smith, D. J. - The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 2012. (In Press).
  • Measurement of Residual Stresses in Dissimilar Metal Welds Using the Deep Hole Drilling Technique, Goudar, D. M., Kingston, E. J., Csontos, A., Rathbun, H., Broussard, J., Crooker, P. & Smith, D. J. - International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Div-II: Paper ID 159, (pp. 1-8), 2011.
  • 'Measurement of Residual Stresses Using the Deep Hole Method', D.J.Smith, N.W.Bonner, Ed R.W. Warke - Residual Stresses in Design, Fabrication, Assessment ASME, PVP Vol 327, pp53-65, 1996.
  • Application of Deep-Hole Drilling to Dissimilar Metal Weld Components– E.J. Kingston – RS Summit 2010 Abstracts - Granlibakken Conference Center and Lodge, Tahoe City, CA, 26th-29th September, 2010.
  • ‘Measurement of Residual Stresses in Large Industrial Components using the Deep Hole Drilling Technique’, X. Ficquet, C.E. Truman, D.J. Smith, T.B. Brown, T.A. Dauda - PVP Conference, July 2005, Denver, Colorado.
  • Finite Element Validation of the Over-Coring Deep-Hole Drilling Technique, Sayeed Hossain, Ed Kingston, Chris Truman, David Smith - Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 70 (2011) pp 291-296.

Welded Steel Nuclear Components

  • 'Residual Stresses in Welded Nucler Power Components', D.J.Smith - Proceedings of the 2010 International Symposium on Structural Integrity - Structural Integrity and Materials Ageing in Extreme Conditiions in Shanghai, 2010.
  • Simulation and Measurement of Residual Stresses in a Type 316H Stainless Steel Offset Repair in a Pipe Girth Weld, S. Hossain, D. M. Goudar, C. E. Truman, D. J. Smith - Materials Science Forum, v681, p 492-497, 2011.
  • ‘Measurement of Residual Stresses in Thick Section Steel Electron Beam Welds’ - E.J. Kingston, D.J. Smith, G. Zheng, C. Gill, P. Hurrell – PVP Conference, July 2010, Washington, USA.
  • 'Residual Stress Measurement Simulation in a Type 316 Stainless Steel Girth-Butt Weld Joint', S.Hossain, C.E.Truman, D.J.Smith, K.Ogawa - Proceedings of 2008 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Chicago, USA, paper 61347, CD.
  • 'The Measurement and Modelling of Residual Stresses in a Full-Scale BWR Shroud-Support Mock-up'. K.Ogawa, E.J.Kingston, D.J.Smith, T.Saito, R.Sumiya, Y.Okuda - Proceedings of 2008 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Chicago, USA, paper 6158, CD.
  • ‘Measurement of Residual Stress in Tube Penetration Welds for Ferritic Steel Hemispherical Pressure Vessel Heads’ - E.J.Kingston, D.J. Smith, C.Watson - SMiRT 19 Conference, August 2007, Toronto.
  • ‘Measurement of Residual Stresses in Full-Scale Welded Components’ - K.Ogawa, E.J.Kingston, D.J.Smith - August 2007, SMiRT 19 Conference, August 2007, Toronto.
  • 'Measurement of Residual Stresses in a Nozzle-to-Cylinder Weld after Thermal Ageing at 550c', S.Hossain, C.E.Truman, D.J.Smith, P.J.Bouchard - Proceedings of the ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, San Antonio, Texas USA, 2007, CD.
  • Measurement of Residual Stress in an A533B Ferritic Steel Plate Containing a Repair Weld, X. Ficquet, C.E.Truman, D.J Smith - Materials Science Forum, Vols 524-525, September 2006.
  • 'Measurement of Residual Stresses in a Type 316H Stainless Steel Offset Repair in a Pipe Girth Weld', S.Hossain, C.E.Truman, D.J.Smith, P.J.Bouchard - J Pressure Vessel Technology, 2006, 128, 3 pp 420-426.
  • 'Residual Stress Finite Element Analysis and Measurements of a Tube Penetration J-Groove Attachment Weld in a Hemispherical Head of a Large Ferritic Pressure Vessel-Part I Centre Nozzle', R.Dennis. N.Leggatt, E.J.Kingston, C.T.Watson, D.J.Smith, - ASME PVP, paper 93698, 2006
  • Residual Stress Finite Element Analysis and Measurements of a Tube Penetration J-Groove Attachment Weld in a Hemispherical Head of a Large Ferritic Pressure Vessel-Part II Outer Nozzle', R.Dennis, N.Leggatt, E.J.Kingston, C.T.Watson, D.J.Smith DJ - ASME PVP, paper 93699, 2006
  • 'Prediction and Measurement of Residual Stresses in Cladded Steel', H.Gripenburg, H.Keinanen, C.Ohms, H.Hanninen, D.Stefanescu, D.J.Smith - Materials Science Forum, 2002, Vols. 404-407, pp. 861-866
  • 'Measurement and Prediction Of Residual Stresses In Thick Section Steel Welds', D.J.Smith P.J.Bouchard, D.George - Jnl of Strain Analysis, 35, 4 (2000), pp 287-305
  • 'Measurement and Modelling of Residual Stresses in Thick Section Type 316 Stainless Steel Welds', S.K.Bate, P.J.Bouchard, P.E.J.Flewitt, D.George, R.H.Leggatt, A.G.Youtsos - ICRS 6, Vol. 2, pp 1511-1518, 2000
  • 'Thermal Relaxation of Residual Stresses in Thick Section Type 316 Stainless Steel Girth Welds', P.J.Bouchard, S.K.Bate, D.George, R.H.Leggatt, A.G.Youtsos - ICRS 6, Vol. 2, pp 972-979, 2000
  • 'Prediction and Measurement of Residual Stresses in a Thick Section Stainless Steel Weld', J.Bouchard, P.Holt, D.J.Smith - Proceedings of ASME-PVP Conference, 1997, Vol. 347, pp 77-82
  • Through Thickness Residual Stress Measurement in a Full Structural Weld Overlay on PWR Pressuriser Nozzle, Goudar, D. M., Kingston, E. J., Smith, M., Goodfellow, A., Marlette, S. & Freyer, P. - International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Div-II: Paper ID 153, (pp. 1-8), 2011.
  • ‘Residual Stress Measurement on a Narrow Gap Dissimilar Metal Weld Pipe’ - X. Ficquet, L. Chidwick, P. Gilles, P. Joly, – OMAE Conference, June 2009, Hawaii.
  • ‘Measurement of Residual Stresses in the Dissimilar Metal Weld Joint of a Safe-End Nozzle Component’ - K. Og awa, L. Chidwick, E.J. Kingston, I. Muroya, Y. Iwamoto, D.J. Smith – PVP Conference, July 2009, Prague.
  • ‘Numerical Welding Simulation on a 14” Narrow Gap Dissimilar Metal Weld’, S. Courtin, P.H. Gilles, P. Joly, C. Ohms, X. Ficquet - SMiRT, August 2009, Espoo, Finland.

General Welded Components

  • ‘Measurement of Residual Stresses in Surface Treated Stainless Steel Groove Welds', D.M.Goudar, M.Turski, E.J.Kingston, C.Gill, P.J.Withers, D.J.Smith - Proceedings ECRS8, Italy 2010.
  • 'A Comparison between Measured and Modelled Residual Stresses in a Circumferentially Butt-Welded P91 Steel Pipe', A.H.Yaghi, T.H,Hyde, A.A.Becker, W.Sun, G.Hilson, S.Simandjuntak, P.E.J.Flewitt, M.J.Pavier, D.JSmith DJ - ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology
  • 'Residual Stress Distributions in Welded Ferritic Steel T-Plate Joints', R.C.Wimpory, D.Stefanescu, D.J.Smith, N.P.O’Dowd, G.A.Webster, P.S.May, E.J.Kingston - Jnl Neutron Research, 11 (4), 2003, 201-207
  • 'Stress Measurement and Finite Element Mapping for a Welded P91 Pipe', S.Simandjuntak, X.Ficquet, M.J.Pavier, .C.E.Truman, D.J.Smith - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Integrity of High Temperature Welds, London, UK, IOM Communications, 2007, pp 77-88
  • 'Residual Stress Measurement in Thick Section Steel Welds using the Deep-Hole Technique', N.Bonner, D.J.Smith, R.H.Leggatt - Recent Advance in Experimental Mechanics, Proceedings of the 10th Int. Conf. on Experimental Mechanics, Eds. JF Silva Gomes etal., Vol. II, pp 767-772, 1994
  • 'Measurement of residual stresses in a thick section steel weld', N.Bonner, D.J.Smith - Engineering Integrity Assessment, EMAS, Edited by J Edwards, J Kerr and P Stanley, pp 259-274, 1994.
  • Measurement of Residual Stresses in Thick Reduced Pressure Electron Beam Welded Components, Ficquet, X., Goudar, D. M., Kingston, E. K., Ayres, K., Hurrell, P. & Gill, C., International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP), (pp. 2295-2300), 2011.
  • ‘Measurement of Residual Stresses in Stainless Steel Cladded Specimens’ - E.J. Kingston, M. Udagawa, J. Katsuyama, K. Onizawa, D.J. Smith - PVP Conference, July 2010, Washington, USA.
  • ‘The Impact of Key Simulation Variables on Predicted Residual Stresses in Pressurizer Nozzle Dissimilar Metal Weld Mock-Ups. PART 2 – Comparison of Simulation and Measurements’ - M.C. Smith, O. Muransky, A. Goodfellow, E.J. Kingston, P. Freyer, S. Marlette, G.M. Wilkowski, B. Brust, Do-Jun Shim – PVP Conference, July 2010, Washington, USA.

Repair Welds

  • Measurement of Residual Stresses in a Type 316H Stainless Steel Offset Repair in a Pipe Girth Weld, S. Hossain, C. E. Truman, D. J. Smith, P. J. Bouchard - Vol. 128, Issue: 3, Pages: 420-426, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 2006.
  • 'Residual Stress Measurement in a Repair Welded Header in the As-Received Condition and After Post Weld Heat Treatment', A. Mirzaee-Sisan, A.J.Fookes, C.E.Truman, D J Smith, T.B.Brown, T.A.Dauda - International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 84(5): 265-273. 2007
  • 'Measurement of the Residual Stresses in a Stainless Steel Pipe Girth Weld containing Long and Short Repairs', P.J.Bouchard, D.George, J.R.Santisteban, G.Bruno, M.Dutta, L.Edwards, E.J.Kingston, D.J.Smith -International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 82 (2005) 299-310
  • 'Residual Stress Measurement after Repair Welding', D.J.Smith, E.J.Kingston, A.Thomas, R.Ehrlich - Proceedings of Integrity/HIDA Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 2002, pp 153-162
  • 'Measurement of Residual Stresses in Steel Nozzle Intersections containing Repair Welds', D.J.Smith, E.J.Kingston, A.Thomas, R.Ehrlich - ASME, PVP 434, 2002, pp67-72
  • 'Evaluation Of Through Wall Residual Stresses In Stainless Steel Weld Repairs', D.George, D.J.Smith, P.J.Bouchard - Materials Science Forum Vols. 347-349, (2000), pp. 646-651
  • 'Through Thickness Measurement of Residual Stresses in Stainless Steel Cylinder containing Shallow and Deep Weld Repairs', D.George, and D.J.Smith - International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 82 (2005) 279-287
  • ‘Simulation and Measurement of Through-Wall Residual Stresses in a Structural Weld Overlaid Pressurizer Nozzle’ - M.C. Smith, A. Goodfellow, X. Pitoiset, B. Voigt, R. Rishel, E.J. Kingston – PVP Conference, July 2010, Washington, USA.

General Aluminium Alloys

Shrink Fitted Assemblies & Rolls

  • 'Application of Deep Hole Drilling to the Measurement and Analysis of Residual Stresses in Steel Shrink-Fitted Assemblies', F.Hosseinzadeh, A.H.Mahmoudi, C.E.Truman, D.J.Smith - Strain (2011) 47 (Suppl. 2), pp 412–426
  • 'Through Thickness Residual Stresses in Large Rolls and Sleeves for the Metal Working Industry', F.Hosseinzadeh, D.J.Smith, C.E.Truman - Material Science and Technology, 2008
  • 'Measurement of Residual Stresses in Large Engineering Components', F.Hosseinzadeh, C.E.Truman, D.J.Smith - Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Alexandroupolis, Greece, 2007, paper 294, CD
  • 'Residual Stress Measurements in Rolling Mill Rolls using Deep-Hole Drilling Technique', E.J.Kingston, D.J.Smith - Ironmaking and Steelmaking, 32, (5), pp 379-380, 2005
  • 'Through Thickness Residual Stresses in Steel Rolls and Sleeves', D.J.Smith - Rolls 4, Birmingham UK, 2007
  • 'Measured Residual Stresses in Large Steel Roll Components', F.Hosseinzadeh, D.J.Smith, C.E.Truman - Proceedings of the American Iron and Steel Technology Conference and Exposition, Indianapolis, USA, 2007
  • Measurement of Torsionally Induced Shear Stresses in Shrink-fit Assemblies, S.J. Lewis, S. Hossain, J.D. Booker, C.E. Truman, U. Stuhr - Experimental Mechanics, v 49, n 5, p 637-651, 2009.

Quenched Components

Tubes & Steel Rails

  • Residual Stress Measurement within an European UIC60 Rail using Integrated Drilling Techniques', D.Stefanescu, P.Browne, D.J.Smith, C.E.Truman - Int Conference on Modern Practice in Stress and Vibration Analysis, Vol 440-441 pp 85-92, 2003
  • 'Application of the Deep-Hole Technique for Measuring Residual Stresses in Autofrettaged Tubes', D.George, D.J.Smith - ASME, Pressure Vessels and Piping Vol 406, pp 25-31, 2000
  • Measurement of Residual Stresses within a PWR Swaged Heater Tube, D.M. Goudar, E.J. Kingston, M. Smith, S. Hossain - Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 70 (2011) pp 279-284.

Non-metallic Fibre Composite & Graphite

  • 'A Method of Measuring Through-Thickness Internal Strains and Stresses in Graphite', S.Nakhodchi, P.E.J.Flewitt, D.J.Smith - Strain in Press
  • Measurement of Residual Stress in Thick Section Composite Laminates Using the Deep-Hole Method, M.G. Bateman, O.H. Miller, T.J. Palmer, C.E P. Breen, E.J. Kingston, D.J. Smith, M.J. Pavier - International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, July 2005.
  • ‘Residual Stress Measurement Comparisons of a Four Point Elastic-Plastic Bent Beam’ – X. Ficquet, E.J. Kingston - GFAC, April 2012, Saint-Nazaire, France.


  • ‘Measurement of Bending Residual Stress of a Hull Section of a Submarine’, X. Ficquet, A. Bowman, D. Goudar, M. Körner, E.J. Kingston - OMAE, June 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • ‘Residual Stress Measurement and the Effect of Heat Treatment in Cladded Control Rod Drive Specimens’, A. Bowman, E.J. Kingston, J. Katsuyama, M. Udagawa, K. Onizawa – 15th International Conference on Environmental Degradation, 2011.
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